I know not everyone is on Facebook. I honestly wish I could delete my app and never go back but it’s so great for communicating with old friends, having political and religious debates, and sharing pictures of what I’m eating.


No, but really, what it’s great for is learning. I love the internet! When used properly, you can learn about anything you want. I guarantee that I’ve learned so much more from podcasts and internet videos than I did in high school (not a great student). If you happened to miss my recent posts, I though I would share them here on my website.


I had a few things to talk about recently so I figured I would give Facebook live a try and ramble on about some topics in BMX training. The stuff I cover in these two videos are topics that I hear no one else talking about in the BMX training industry (if that’s actually an industry???). It’s not because I’m a super genius. It’s that either BMX coaches are stuck in the past and have not learned this yet, or they think it’s some top secret stuff that only they know.


In my first Facebook live talk, I go over how to make your strength training in the gym carryover to the bike. There are some criteria that your gym work should meet if you expect it to improve anything more than just general fitness. 



In my second video, I call out some BMX coaches for training everyone how they like to train. Many people assume that what they did to excel in BMX is the only way to improve. They fail to understand and coach individual athlete personalities as well as their unique physical qualities.



I had a conversation with a BMX coach, John Smart while I was at Grands. He was telling me how much he liked some of my Instagram posts and articles. He said he agreed with a lot of what I have to say but disagreed on a few points. I was happy he said that because that’s exactly why I put this stuff out. Some of the articles I’ve written, particularly early on I totally don’t agree with anymore. But, writing, experimenting, and putting this stuff out there has made me a much better coach than I would have if I kept it all to myself.


A lot of my articles/videos/random thoughts are tried and true with athletes/clients. A lot of it works for almost everyone. Some of the info works for a handful of others. I want to put info out there to create a discussion with people. I want to get them thinking and sharing what works for them. I want to teach people how to run mini-experiments on themselves to see if it actually worked or not.

Hope you found some of this informative. Maybe it changed your thought process on training. Maybe you just think I’m an idiot now. Either way, I made you think.


